SoldatulDac88: Mr Bowles, you are the candidate of National-Socialists for the USA presidency. Did the USA have sometime an National Socialist candidate at White House ?
John Taylor Bowles : No, George Lincoln Rockwell who founded the American Nazi Party, in 1959, hinted at running in 1968 for the White House; but, was assassinated in 1967. I am the first National Socialist to run for the White House.
SoldatulDac88: What you have to offer besides for the opposition? Wich are the priority of USA in your vision and how will you deal with them? What solution you have for the biggest problems of USA?
JT Bowles: America was founded by Europeans as a free, White, Christian nation. It is my intention to get America back on track as the White Founding Fathers intended it to be.
My campaign addresses the Race issue because America has a lot of racial minority groups causing problems involving the economy and culture.
SoldatulDac88: Many personality of White Nationalism Movement and even NS people support Ron Paul all though he is not NS not even WN.Why they support Ron Paul and they don't support you? It's impossible in SUA to chose a NS president? Do White Americans knows who are the real protectors of our interests ?
JT Bowles: Ron Paul has support because there are those White activists that believe the way to win political power is to sneek in.This is wrong! Sneakyness just makes White political parties look bad and is foolish. White people are giving my campaign a second look and liking what they see.
SoldatulDac88: How will you make yourself known by americans when your access to all TV-post or newspapers are totally forbidden , because they are in the hand of the international jew, "the poisener of all nations", how our Fuhrer says ?...
JT Bowles: The Internet is doing a great job of publicizing my 2008 Presidential campaign. I have 5,000 volunteers because of it.
SoldatulDac88: You leave back your comrads from NSM few time ago.I like to know that is a open portal between NSOA , the organization that you lead and NSM , lead by Jeff Schoep and we reunite together in WUNS.It's this thing possible ? Because The Final Victory (Romania) colaborates with french comrades,members WUNS, at a project. At the initiative of Phenix in the end WUNS begins to be functionaly. It would be a pleasure to find again and NSOA there and colaborate with them in the future.
JT Bowles: At this time, the NSOA is in a coalition with other White political groups in the USA. There is no communication presently between the NSOA and NSM.
SoldatulDac88: Today, 30 january , we celebrate The First Victory of NS , Adolf Hitler is named chancellor by the president Paul von Hindenburg , in 1933.Also in the same day , but a year after , in 1934 was emited the document Gesetz über den Neuaufbau des Reichs (The Law for Reich reconstruction ). What mesagge you have for the NS with this occasion and what special message you have for the NS romanians whom which here in there country , forbidden to display a symbol of our ancestors and our cultures, swastika , and to speak free about the holocaust?
JT Bowles: It is my intention to win the White House in the USA and it will take three attempts in my opinion to do so. I would like to see an NS America work with an NS Romania one day and peace and prosperity return to America and Europe.
SoldatulDac88: A message for all romanians from USA , a community who number some millions?
JT Bowles: Be proud of your part in National Socialist history. You are a nation of heroes for what you did. Remember that National Socialism is an Idea that can't be banned. Live your lives as proper National Socialists and teach younger generations how to be National Socialists the right way.
SoldatulDac88: Mr.Bowles we wish you luck at the USA presidency . Wich is in danger to change it's name if Obama or Osama wins the elections.
National Socialist greetings from Romania. Heil Hitler!
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